Working with kids with special needs in Sunday school

By Kathryn Watson October 16, 2018

Sunday morning behavior can be a challenge for all kids, especially those whose behaviors fall..

How to help young families prepare for Christmas

By Deb Hetherington October 15, 2018

What do parents of infants and toddlers think of when they dream of their child’s first, second,..

How to recruit church volunteers

By Sparkhouse October 12, 2018

No one is more cherished in this world than someone who lightens the burden of another.” Church..

5 things you didn’t know about difficult small group conversations

By Kelly Bakalich October 11, 2018

We all go into adult small group conversations hoping to learn from each other – and avoid..

Get appy: 5 apps for youth ministry leaders

By Kelly Bakalich October 10, 2018

Here’s a thought for your day: Today’s teens have never lived in a world where they didn’t have a..

3 tips to help kids understand the meaning of church seasons

By Deb Hetherington October 9, 2018

What season is it? Sounds like such an easy question for kids (and adults) to answer, but for..

Building relationships with young families in your church

By Linda Tibbitts October 8, 2018

In a recent webinar, I opened by sharing the scripture where Jesus tells the disciples to let the..

What it means to be a church volunteer

By Sparkhouse October 5, 2018

To be a church volunteer means many things to different people. It could be a way to build..

Small groups 101: What makes a small group meaningful?

By David Schoenknecht October 4, 2018

This is the first blog post in a series about adult small group leadership from the first-person..

3 apps to use in youth group

By Sparkhouse October 3, 2018

Technology has become an integral part of the way we do ministry; from the way we communicate to..


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