In his comedy As You Like It, Shakespeare wrote, “All the world's a stage.” Although many may..
Sorry tryptophan, we could not humor you this year. The Advent and December 1 twins dashed by so..
Whether your church has some kids, lots of kids, or even no kids at all, Sparkhouse has you covered..
Summer days are in full swing. Vacation Bible school programs, worship and arts camps, outdoor..
As politics heat up throughout the summer and into the fall, talking to kids about politics—as with..
God loves a cheerful giver. I remember hearing this phrase as a child and smiling to think that my..
These days, most of us are lucky enough to live in religiously diverse communities. Kids are more..
Nestled as it is between Easter and Pentecost, the feast of the Ascension can be easy to ignore as..
Too often science and religion are put at odds with each other, even though they address different..
From violence, pain, and suffering globally to the illnesses and harm in our own communities, it’s..