Crumbling Like a Cookie in the Face of Holiday Season Programming? Let Sparkhouse Digital Help! Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany Resources

Dec 12, 2024 10:00:00 AM / by Heather Blackstone

Sorry tryptophan, we could not humor you this year. The Advent and December 1 twins dashed by so quickly, leaving us appropriately yelling “Wait!” Perhaps you are drowning in the baking, buying, sending, decorating, and wrapping to do, tinged with the phlegmy doubts that you haven’t done enough and dread for the people who will hack their disappointment in your face. If you are anxious about getting everything done while managing expectations, Sparkhouse Digital can help.

Crumble cookie blog (1200 x 630 px) (1)

For wiggly little ones we have low prep crafts such as Advent wreaths, stick nativities, and activities that complement the Beaming Books title, “A Simple Christmas on the Farm.” Kids can hear how fun a simple Christmas is and then make upcycled Christmas coasters and ornaments to be given as gifts or kept as treasures.

Since Sunday school often gets replaced by pageant rehearsals, “Adventures in Advent” is a newsletter which provides faith formation at home for each week in Advent. We also have fun suggestions for bringing home and decorating a tree. If kids want to create as they learn, we have Advent wreaths, nativity sets, box fun, and lots of recipes.

For youth, we know these weeks are filled with concerts, finals, college essays, and SATs. The vacation afterwards may mean travel, sleep, and often little time in church. “Adventures in Epiphany” is a set of 12 projects and meditations that highlight the stories and saints celebrated during the 12 days of Christmas. If youth groups offer programs during break, Sparkhouse Digital offers service projects that can be done in an afternoon or as part of a lock-in.

Need an idea for any and all ages? Directions for making and sharing luminarias are in all three age groups and can be tailored for any group size or need.

Grab a cup of cocoa and take a quick glance through all the categories on Sparkhouse Digital. You will discover lovely treats tucked everywhere. Is there something you wish we would provide or would like to see more of? Send us your list and our elves will get to work. We are here to support you and the beautiful, life-giving work you are doing. As you make magic for others, we pray that you too will be reminded of the gift you are to so many.

Topics: Sparkhouse Digital, Youth Ministry, Activities, Advent, children, Christmas, christmas activities, epiphany

Heather Blackstone

Written by Heather Blackstone

Heather Blackstone is ordained in the United Church of Christ and has worked in a variety of ministry settings, including churches, schools, and older adult communities, in the United States and internationally. As a Resource Developer at Augsburg Fortress Publishers, she is honored to be able to create materials and provide support for those teaching and guiding future generations of the church.


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