Should you read a story, show an object,or have swag? Should it be funny, poignant, or sweet? Will..
Sorry tryptophan, we could not humor you this year. The Advent and December 1 twins dashed by so..
Whether your church has some kids, lots of kids, or even no kids at all, Sparkhouse has you covered..
If you choose Holy Moly curriculum for your children’s ministry, we have news for you! Sparkhouse..
All of our Sparkhouse resources are designed to provide solid biblical teaching in fun, engaging..
I remember the look in her eyes, the horror when I told a young woman applying to seminary that..
Many religions set aside a day on which to watch and wait for the beginning of a new year. Jesus..
Sparkhouse Digital is an online platform that gives subscribers access..
Christmas and Easter are a big deal in the church, but for Lutherans, there’s another important..
As summer approaches, maybe your church is making plans for finally coming back together for..