Encouraging Kids to Try a New Summer Faith Experience

By Ruth Sall June 11, 2024

Summer days are in full swing. Vacation Bible school programs, worship and arts camps, outdoor..

Service-Oriented Vacation Bible School for Middle Schoolers

By Ruth Sall February 13, 2024

It is that time of year again: time to plan for vacation Bible school. I have been thinking this..

Preparing for Vacation Bible School

By Ruth Sall March 21, 2023

It is already the beginning of spring, and the time is speeding toward summer programs at church,..

Planning Intergenerational VBS in Uncertain Times

By Jessica Davis April 8, 2021

As we prepare to enter our second summer of the pandemic, planning for VBS can seem like a massive..

Enjoying the Fun of VBS at Home

By Ruth Sall June 16, 2020

Summer is upon us, and that typically means fun weeks of Vacation Bible School, church camps, and..


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