How to navigate tough topics with family over the holidays

By Carla Barnhill November 15, 2018

It seems like a cruel trick of the calendar that Election Day and Thanksgiving Day fall within a..

Showing and teaching gratitude to middle schoolers (no, really)

By Sparkhouse November 14, 2018

Middle school kids present joys and challenges to their friends, parents, teachers, and ministry..

How to make adoptive parents feel valued in your faith community

By Valerie Fulton November 13, 2018

We brought our daughter home from China after two intensive weeks of filling out paperwork, a..

How do you teach Christmas to preschoolers?

By Sparkhouse November 12, 2018

During the preschool years, our brains are developing at a rapid rate – in fact, 90 percent of a..

Ministry survival tips for Advent and Christmas

By Deb Hetherington November 9, 2018

Ministry leaders have an important and particular responsibility – and yes, challenge – to help..

Small groups 101: The four "knows" of effective leadership

By David Schoenknecht November 8, 2018

This is the second blog post in a series about adult small group leadership from the first-person..

3 reasons to level up with Sparkhouse at NYWC 2018!

By Elissa Zoerb November 7, 2018

This month, youth workers will be attending the biggest party of the year and we’ll be there, too!..

Should you use a lectionary Sunday school?

By Elissa Zoerb November 6, 2018

It’s almost a new year! Not the New Year celebrations that come with party hats and resolutions,..

Thank you prayers for little ones and their families

By Deb Hetherington November 5, 2018

Mama and dada are familiar first words from little ones as they hit new baby talk milestones.


Giving thanks in November (and beyond)

By Deb Hetherington November 2, 2018

Let November be full of giving thanks – to our Lord and to each other! May these thankful..


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