Carla Barnhill

Putting faith into action in your adult Bible study

By Carla Barnhill April 11, 2019

This is the final blog post in our three-part series with ideas about hosting a new engaging..

The quiet rage of Lent

By Carla Barnhill March 8, 2019

I find myself in a season of loss. So many pieces of my life are shifting in ways that, while not..

A reason for hope

By Carla Barnhill November 16, 2018

Over the past few months, my local paper has been running an excellent series on the state of..

How to navigate tough topics with family over the holidays

By Carla Barnhill November 15, 2018

It seems like a cruel trick of the calendar that Election Day and Thanksgiving Day fall within a..

Sunday school video: Does it help teach kids?

By Carla Barnhill July 24, 2018

Working with children often means having to find that elusive balance between what we know they..

Ideas to help you celebrate Eastertide

By Carla Barnhill April 1, 2018

I come from the land of the ice and snow. Aka Minnesota. When it gets to be mid-March or so, my..


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