Intentional Sunday school welcome: Beyond front door greeters

By Jenia Strom September 18, 2018

Most churches have greeters to welcome new families arriving for worship. Many congregations excel..

ABC's of finding new parents in faith communities

By Christy Olson September 17, 2018

This is the second blog post in a series about ministry to young families, including how to serve..

5 easy ways to start planning for Advent and Christmas

By Deb Hetherington September 14, 2018

We just got back into the swing of things with fall, and finally recovering from all the great..

Is your adult small group open or closed?

By Sparkhouse September 13, 2018

A small group leader gets a call from church-staff, asking if their group will accept new members. ..

Youth confirmation: Gathering and applying feedback from confirmands

By Sparkhouse September 12, 2018

Whether your confirmation program runs years, weeks, or days, once you’ve presented each class of..

Children’s choir directors: 7 tips for selecting your music

By Cathy Skogen-Soldner September 11, 2018

Are you ready to direct your children's choir? Do you have a list of volunteers available to help..

Young families in your church: Creating spaces to gather

By Jenia Strom September 10, 2018

This is the first blog post in a series about ministry to young families, including how to serve..

Forced From Home: An experience to remember

By Kelly Bakalich September 10, 2018

Here at Sparkhouse, we talk a lot about the refugee crisis given our new adult small group series..

Rally day blessings from Sparkhouse

By Sparkhouse September 7, 2018

My congregation in the heart of Chicago just celebrated a very successful school backpack..

Shared experiences at the heart of National Grandparents Day

By Sparkhouse September 6, 2018

While it’s true that I am an “Opa,” as we say in our house, neither Oma or I recall observing..


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