Inside scoop behind Dialogues On: The Refugee Crisis

By Kelly Bakalich June 14, 2018

For many small groups, it can be difficult to open up and talk about difficult topics...

Youth worker perspective: What to expect at ELCA Youth Gathering

By Sparkhouse June 13, 2018

As we get ready to head to Houston in a few weeks for this year’s ELCA Youth Gathering, we knew..

Intergenerational Sunday school: Setting up your space

By Reverend Melissa Cooper June 12, 2018

If there's anything I learned from nearly a decade in camp and retreat ministry, it's that place..

How to connect with young families in your ministry

By Sparkhouse June 11, 2018

For new parents and young families, today’s world is busier than ever—from trying to keep up with..

How to facilitate difficult discussions in your small group

By Sparkhouse June 8, 2018

We live in a time where all kinds of things are going on in our world. There's political unrest,..

Equipping Leaders: Uncovering present and future desires

By Sparkhouse June 7, 2018

You’ve done the hard work of hiring great church leaders and have even gone the extra mile to..

Why should you use a digital curriculum platform?

By Sparkhouse June 6, 2018

Kids these days aren't just computer savvy. They literally can't remember a time when social media..

How to teach babies about love

By Amber Lappin June 5, 2018

"We love because he first loved us.”

—1 John 4:19

Small children have some pretty basic needs...

Use Flat Jesus to remind kids Jesus is with you

By Sparkhouse June 4, 2018

It’s officially summer! As much as we celebrate that, we know that it makes your ministry..

Father's Day dialogues: how to support dads in your church ministries

By Sparkhouse June 1, 2018

Hey dads! Can you hear us? We know sometimes it’s hard to. As a church community, as a community..


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