Mother’s Day musings: The joys of alone time for moms

By Sparkhouse May 17, 2018

Mother’s Day often turns into a big event for families. It can be a special time, but it can also..

What does Enneagram mean for youth ministry?

By Leah Pettit May 16, 2018

Whether it was 10 years ago, five years ago, or even just a few days ago, you've likely taken a..

How to support kids' faith journeys with Bibles

By Deb Hetherington May 16, 2018

How often do you invite kids to read from the Bible?

How often do all kids in Sunday School have a..

Seeing youth faith as a process

By Bryan Bliss May 15, 2018

Zach has questions.

Tough questions that make your heart beat a little faster. Questions with..

5 features of a successful church nursery

By Sparkhouse May 14, 2018

Often, church nurseries are born out of necessity. They give parents a reprieve and an opportunity..

How to keep teens engaged in confirmation

By Reverend Daniel Davis May 11, 2018

In April of 2018, Sparkhouse invited the Rev. Daniel Davis of Westminster United Presbyterian..

Youth Ministry Podcast: Leading a great mission trip

By Sparkhouse May 10, 2018

At this point in the year, I’m not sure who’s more excited for the summer—the adults or the kids...

Mother’s Day musings: how to care for your "kids" when you have kids

By Sparkhouse May 9, 2018

Youth group leaders, Sunday school teachers, nursery and playroom volunteers. If you’re like most..

3 ways to engage all kids in your one room Sunday school

By Sparkhouse May 8, 2018

Older kids are bored and younger kids are plain confused. Leaders are having difficulties teaching..

Teaching babies about faith

By Amber Lappin May 7, 2018

So faith comes from what is heard, and what is heard comes through the word of Christ

–Romans 10:17


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