Let’s all be honest about Ascension Day, shall we?

By David Schoenknecht May 4, 2018

We used to have Thursday night Ascension Day services in my home congregation. I grew up thinking..

Three resources to continue faith formation in the summer

By Sparkhouse May 3, 2018

Summer can be a really strange time for people who work or volunteer as ministry leaders. On the..

Mother’s Day musings: Celebrating the women in your ministry

By Sparkhouse May 2, 2018

Mother’s Day is just around the corner. Though it’s a popular secular holiday, its Sunday place on..

Frolic Preschool: Sunday school reimagined

By Sparkhouse May 1, 2018

Play is often talked about as if it were a relief from serious learning. But for children, play is..

Honesty Day reflections on truths and lies

By Sparkhouse April 30, 2018

April 30 is Honesty Day—a day that celebrates honest communication in all facets of life. The day..

Your favorite blog posts from April 2018

By Sparkhouse April 27, 2018

Over the past month, we’ve shared a variety of blog posts. From celebrating Easter to talking..

Without words: Teaching nonverbal kids in Sunday school

By Kathryn Watson April 26, 2018

My son is five years old, and he doesn’t really talk. He’s trying, and we’re hearing a few words..

Introduce your students to Flat Jesus this summer!

By Sparkhouse April 25, 2018

During the summer months, it can be challenging to find ways to engage students of any age...

How do you get people to come to your small group Bible study?

By Sparkhouse April 24, 2018

You’ve done the hard work. You decided to lead a small group, promoted it, and have gotten a few..

Youth Ministry Podcast: What’s in our mailbag?

By Sparkhouse April 23, 2018

Over the past few months, our youth ministry podcast has evolved from something fun for Bryan and..


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