What’s new from Sparkhouse this spring

By Sparkhouse April 6, 2018

Here at Sparkhouse, we’ve been busy developing new faith curricula and resources to help you in..

Shoestring budget? 5 affordable volunteer appreciation tips

By Sparkhouse April 5, 2018

This month marks National Volunteer Month, a month when we formally recognize the numerous hours..

10 books you need in your church library for preschoolers

By Sparkhouse April 3, 2018

As a preschool Sunday school leader, we know you’re always seeking new ways to help young children..

And the best (or worst?) Youth Ministry Cliché…

By Sparkhouse April 2, 2018

Over the past few weeks, we’ve been participating in our own version of March Madness—one where we..

Ideas to help you celebrate Eastertide

By Carla Barnhill April 1, 2018

I come from the land of the ice and snow. Aka Minnesota. When it gets to be mid-March or so, my..

What Easter means to Sparkhouse Employees

By Sparkhouse March 31, 2018

This Holy Week, we’ve been sharing daily devotionals from pastors and church workers who were with..

The Holy Week experience on the Sparkhouse Blog

By Sparkhouse March 30, 2018

Earlier this month, we launched the Sparkhouse blog and embarked on a unique path as we focused on..

How can you make Holy Week meaningful for your family?

By Erik Ullestad March 28, 2018

As a young boy my favorite week of the entire year was Holy Week. I wish I could say I had a pious..

A cupful for us too: 10 ways to find spiritual fulfillment during Holy Week

Then he went a short distance farther and fell on his face and prayed, ‘My Father, if it’s..

6 tips for healthily navigating Holy Week

By Rebecca Ninke March 26, 2018

Holy Week. How do you react when you read those words? Do you look forward to the spiritual..


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