I remember the look in her eyes, the horror when I told a young woman applying to seminary that..
Ash Wednesday arrives this year on February 22 and the season of Lent begins. In the early church..
"I am not a saint, unless you think of a saint as a sinner who keeps on trying."
-Nelson Mandela
As Valentine’s Day approaches, this is a great opportunity to talk to kids about love and different..
The month of February is honored as Black History Month, an annual celebration of achievements by..
As children grow, they learn a lot about their own bodies as well as the bodies of those around..
With Lent fast approaching, there are countless preparations to be made. From special music to new..
I had expected it to be boring. We were living in a pandemic and my Sunday school was studying..
For the past 20 years my church has used the rotation model for our elementary Sunday school..
Congratulations! You made it through the gauntlet of Advent and Christmas. Pageants and showcases..