Celebrating Difference on Pentecost

By Emily E. Ewing May 2, 2023

Pentecost, commonly known as the birthday of the church, is one of my favorite holidays. It has..

Involving Younger and Older Folks in Pentecost Celebrations

By Jessica Davis April 25, 2023

"I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh,and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy,and your..

Saying Goodbye to a Pastor

By Ruth Sall April 18, 2023

Transitions are a regular part of life for children. Kids live in a constant state of growth and..

Honoring Earth Day with Your Church's Youth

By Rev. Carla Wilson April 11, 2023

Earth Day is coming up! If you are like my students, you have enjoyed getting your hands dirty in..

Nurturing Kids' Curiosity through the Questions and Doubts

By Emily E. Ewing April 4, 2023

“What happened to all the poop on the ark?” “Why are there so many cars over there?” “How many..

Preparing to Continue Faith Formation in the Summer

By Jessica Davis March 28, 2023

Sundays in the summer can be stressful for church professionals, especially those in the faith..

Preparing for Vacation Bible School

By Ruth Sall March 21, 2023

It is already the beginning of spring, and the time is speeding toward summer programs at church,..

Liturgical Role Play as Faith Formation

By Rev. Carla Wilson March 14, 2023

“Remember Baby McBabyface?”

I recently had the joy of reconnecting with several youth who took part..

The Importance of Symbols

By Emily E. Ewing March 7, 2023

Last month a neighbor alerted me about a white supremacist symbol that had been stuck to the..

Praying through Holy Week

By Heather Blackstone February 28, 2023

I remember the look in her eyes, the horror when I told a young woman applying to seminary that..


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