Faith is key to longevity

By Sparkhouse September 27, 2018

It's natural for people to want more. More prosperity, more status and prestige, more..

Saving a seat (and other Christian norms that speak "cliquish")

By Sparkhouse September 20, 2018

Adult small groups welcome participants to gatherings in words and actions, many of which are..

Is your adult small group open or closed?

By Sparkhouse September 13, 2018

A small group leader gets a call from church-staff, asking if their group will accept new members. ..

Forced From Home: An experience to remember

By Kelly Bakalich September 10, 2018

Here at Sparkhouse, we talk a lot about the refugee crisis given our new adult small group series..

How to handle small group cliques

By Sparkhouse August 30, 2018

Their families played together, served together, did life together. The group of 12 moms had grown..

The refugee crisis: How your church can help

By Naomi Krueger August 16, 2018

After graduating from college, I volunteered with AmeriCorps VISTA at a refugee resettlement agency..

How can you build strong small group relationships?

By Kelly Bakalich August 9, 2018

Each small group is going to look very different to the next. When we ask ourselves, “what works..

Small group session length: How long should it be?

By Sparkhouse August 2, 2018

“That small group topic sounds great! But, I have no idea what my life will look like next month;..

Now available! A new adult small group series from Sparkhouse

By Kelly Bakalich July 19, 2018

Do you have adults in your small group ministry who are intentional and passionate about..

Hey, small group leaders – do you have these questions? We have answers!

By Sparkhouse July 5, 2018

Leading a small group offers a number of challenges – after all, you need to keep people engaged..


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