I opened my email and saw the subject line: “Help! I thought I did it right, but it’s gone to..
A new year has started, and there are resolutions to embrace, Christmas gifts to exchange, and –..
What is love? (Sorry if you started to bop your head to the Haddaway song just now.)
Jesus tells..
Are you the life of the party?
Do you prefer to think for some time before making a decision?
Jesus taught us to love God and to love others.
With over 500 references to the word love in the..
Lent offers a season of reflection; a time to dig into faith and focus on its meaning in your life..
In an ideal world, youth workers would schedule every event – every lesson! – in the late and..
From large to small; Sunday school to vacation Bible school; children’s ministry leaders have..
Over the past months, I have blogged about what churches could be doing for families with..
It felt like we were just celebrating a new year and just like that, we are already looking..