Teaching preschoolers about apologies

By Amber Lappin March 25, 2019

I think we've all met someone who is horrible with apologies. They will say things such as, "I..

What they didn't tell me in seminary

By Rebecca Ninke March 22, 2019

When I started seminary, I listened keenly to that sense of call – and was certain God would put..

Refugee crisis: A network of care

By Sparkhouse March 21, 2019

If the whole body were an eye, where would the hearing be? If the whole body were hearing, where..

Four tips for empowering parents

By Bryan Bliss March 20, 2019

The focus of youth ministry is clear: walk alongside students while they learn and grow as..

The ABC's of activity-based learning

By Sparkhouse March 19, 2019

From keeping kids engaged to helping them remember their lessons, activity-based learning has..

Frolic Summer Book Club: It's back again!

By Sparkhouse March 18, 2019

Last year, we kicked off one of our favorite projects, Frolic Summer Book Club, and we’re so..

The Sparkhouse blog celebrates one year

By Sparkhouse March 15, 2019

Happy birthday to you… here at Sparkhouse, we are celebrating our blog’s big first birthday. While..

5 tips for Bible study lessons for adults

By Sparkhouse March 14, 2019

You might be surprised at how complicated a Bible study can become (both as a participant and as a..

How to grow your youth ministry

By Bryan Bliss March 13, 2019

Depending on the youth worker (and how long they have been in the game), giving tips on how to..

How can the church engage families in service projects?

By Linda Tibbitts March 12, 2019

"Train children in the right way, and when old, they will not stray." Proverbs 22:6

At a baby’s..


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