Reset for Fall: Meeting Your Students at the Starting Line, Again

By Tera Michelson June 29, 2021

It might only be June, but fall is right around the corner. After the past year or more of COVID..

Does Race Matter?: Your Church and Worship Style

By Michelle Townsend de Lopez June 23, 2021

In my first blog we talked about language and vocabulary to open our awareness and start the..

What If They Won't Participate?

By Amber Lappin June 22, 2021

It’s happened to everyone: you’ve planned a great activity for your children’s ministry group. All..

Let's Talk about Race: How Do We Frame Our Church Chats?

By Michelle Townsend de Lopez June 16, 2021

Siblings in Christ, it’s time for some Sacred Conversations together. Our context and the effects..

Planning for Fall 2021

By Rebecca Ninke June 15, 2021

I don’t have to explain to you in the trenches that church planning during a pandemic has been..

Taking the First Steps toward Becoming an Anti-Racist Congregation

I am the pastor of Faith Lutheran Church in Becker, Minnesota. Becker is a small community of..

Lessons in the Backyard

By Cathy Skogen-Soldner June 8, 2021

Is your class in need of a breath of fresh air? How about meeting in the backyard the next time you..

Talking to Adults about Racism and Racial Justice

By Jessica Davis June 2, 2021

Last month, I wrote about ways in which leaders in the church, especially white leaders, can..

One-Room Summer Sunday School

By Ruth Sall June 1, 2021

Here at the church that I serve, when the school year ends in mid-June, so does our church program..

Age-Appropriate Ways to Introduce Conversations about Race to Children

By Rev. Carla Wilson May 26, 2021

2020 was a year of reckoning that led many of us who are white to heed what people of color have..


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