Encouraging Kids to Try a New Summer Faith Experience

By Ruth Sall June 11, 2024

Summer days are in full swing. Vacation Bible school programs, worship and arts camps, outdoor..

Talking to Children about Politics

By Emily E. Ewing May 21, 2024

As politics heat up throughout the summer and into the fall, talking to kids about politics—as with..

The Changing Landscape of Youth Faith Formation

By Ruth Sall May 7, 2024

Like many churches throughout the country, we have fewer people participating in all aspects of..

Encouraging Children to Be Faithful Givers

By Ruth Sall April 23, 2024

God loves a cheerful giver. I remember hearing this phrase as a child and smiling to think that my..

Talking to Kids about Other Faiths

By Emily E. Ewing April 16, 2024

These days, most of us are lucky enough to live in religiously diverse communities. Kids are more..

Celebrating the Ascension with Children and Youth

By Jessica Davis April 9, 2024

Nestled as it is between Easter and Pentecost, the feast of the Ascension can be easy to ignore as..

Celebrating Pentecost and the Holy Spirit

By Ruth Sall March 19, 2024

As Christians we have wonderful traditions of celebrating holy days with pomp and creativity. We..

Celebrating the Eclipse with Both Faith and Science

By Emily E. Ewing March 12, 2024

Too often science and religion are put at odds with each other, even though they address different..

Inclusive Ideas for Bringing Intergenerational Groups Outdoors

By Jessica Davis March 5, 2024

But turn to the animals, and let them teach you; the birds of the air will tell you the truth...


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