Involving parents at youth group. It’s a sticky topic, let’s be real! Sometimes youth workers and..
Middle school kids present joys and challenges to their friends, parents, teachers, and ministry..
This month, youth workers will be attending the biggest party of the year and we’ll be there, too!..
While many Lutherans celebrate Reformation Day, others are celebrating a very scary holiday:..
As a youth worker, it’s likely that you have been or will be involved in a lock-in. The night..
What does mission mean? Does it require sacrifice? What we do: does it really matter?
Here’s a thought for your day: Today’s teens have never lived in a world where they didn’t have a..
Technology has become an integral part of the way we do ministry; from the way we communicate to..
Today’s teens have busy lives and schedules – before school, after school, evenings, and weekends..
Whether your confirmation program runs years, weeks, or days, once you’ve presented each class of..