One of the many things we ponder during the season of Christmas is relationships. We celebrate..
As I watch the delivery trucks roll up and down the street, though thankful that people are trying..
Many of us have phenomenal memories of celebrating Christmas at school, at church, and in our..
"Truly he taught us to love one another.His law is love and his gospel is peace.Chains shall he..
Recently, the mom of one of the fifth graders in my ministry sent me a video from when the girl was..
Some of the best a-ha moments in my faith come from children’s sermons. I vividly remember one..
Last March, when I transitioned to a new call as the solo pastor of a small mountain church in..
Are you someone who loves to make a list and takes great satisfaction in crossing things off? A..
Each year, as the Thanksgiving holiday approaches, the thoughts of Christians all over the country..
Over the past months my family and I have been excited about rediscovering activities and hobbies..