
Use Flat Jesus to remind kids Jesus is with you

By Sparkhouse June 4, 2018

It’s officially summer! As much as we celebrate that, we know that it makes your ministry..

Father's Day dialogues: how to support dads in your church ministries

By Sparkhouse June 1, 2018

Hey dads! Can you hear us? We know sometimes it’s hard to. As a church community, as a community..

Your favorite blog posts from May 2018

By Sparkhouse May 31, 2018

Here at Sparkhouse, May was a busy month—we launched four new products, launched our new free..

Equipping leaders: providing support with tools and resources

By Sparkhouse May 25, 2018

You’ve got great people in leadership roles at your church. At all levels of your ministry—in your..

5 things to know about teaching lectionary Sunday school

By Sparkhouse May 24, 2018

"What season is it?” asked Mrs. Deb.

"It’s spring! The snow is all gone!” exclaimed Charlie.


Join our free Frolic Summer Book Club!

By Sparkhouse May 22, 2018

As we get ready to say farewell to springy days and hello to the warm welcome of summer,..

5 ideas to celebrate Pentecost in your Sunday school classroom

By Sparkhouse May 18, 2018

Pentecost Sunday occurs 50 days after Easter. It marks the day the Holy Spirit descended on the..

Mother’s Day musings: The joys of alone time for moms

By Sparkhouse May 17, 2018

Mother’s Day often turns into a big event for families. It can be a special time, but it can also..

5 features of a successful church nursery

By Sparkhouse May 14, 2018

Often, church nurseries are born out of necessity. They give parents a reprieve and an opportunity..

Youth Ministry Podcast: Leading a great mission trip

By Sparkhouse May 10, 2018

At this point in the year, I’m not sure who’s more excited for the summer—the adults or the kids...


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