
Join us as we celebrate Reason for the Season

By Sparkhouse August 10, 2018

As we swing into the end of summer and the unending advertisements for back to school, you likely..

The church nursery makeover

By Sparkhouse August 6, 2018

This is the first blog post in a series about the ministry of the church nursery as one of the..

When the kids you served are now youth qualified for church leadership

By Sparkhouse August 3, 2018

Before you realize it, kids you raised up in children’s programs become youth qualified for church..

Small group session length: How long should it be?

By Sparkhouse August 2, 2018

“That small group topic sounds great! But, I have no idea what my life will look like next month;..

What does T.B.D. have to do with engaging teens?

By Sparkhouse August 1, 2018

Today’s teenagers can be challenging to engage. After all, they are used to having all the..

3 things you didn’t know about preschool Sunday school lessons

By Sparkhouse July 30, 2018

Teaching preschoolers faith concepts and Bible stories offers a different challenge than your..

Your favorite blog posts from July 2018

By Sparkhouse July 27, 2018

You can always tell that August will be here before you know it when the big box stores start to..

Grief response: Preparing for post-tragedy ministry support

By Sparkhouse July 26, 2018

This is the third and final blog post in a series offering support to ministry leaders as they..

Sparkhouse donates $2,000 to one church – and here’s what they'll do with it!

By Sparkhouse July 25, 2018

It’s no secret that many churches don’t have large budgets – if any budget at all! As a ministry..

Teaching preschoolers about sharing and friendship

By Sparkhouse July 23, 2018

From birth through age five, kids learn and grow quite a bit! Teaching them about values during..


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