Here in Minnesota, it seems like we were just getting ready for our first weekend up at the cabin..
It's natural for people to want more. More prosperity, more status and prestige, more..
Adult small groups welcome participants to gatherings in words and actions, many of which are..
Today’s teens have busy lives and schedules – before school, after school, evenings, and weekends..
A small group leader gets a call from church-staff, asking if their group will accept new members. ..
Whether your confirmation program runs years, weeks, or days, once you’ve presented each class of..
My congregation in the heart of Chicago just celebrated a very successful school backpack..
While it’s true that I am an “Opa,” as we say in our house, neither Oma or I recall observing..
Confirmation-age youth have a lot going on these days. Whether it’s a full schedule of classes at..
It feels like we were just welcoming in the warm winds of summer, and now we blinked, and fall..