Role Models Reflecting Diversity, Cooperation, and Strength

By Rev. Carla Wilson September 9, 2021

Many of us, as at least somewhat resourced and experienced adults, find ourselves battling decision..

Helping Youth Grieve the Past Year

By Tera Michelson July 8, 2021

COVID isn’t over, but your community may be starting to come back together. While nothing can..

Reset for Fall: Meeting Your Students at the Starting Line, Again

By Tera Michelson June 29, 2021

It might only be June, but fall is right around the corner. After the past year or more of COVID..

Creating a Culture of Interdependence among Youth

By Tera Michelson May 20, 2021

One of the silver linings of the global pandemic is how it pushed pause on much of our programming..

Welcoming New Youth into Youth Group

By Tera Michelson April 20, 2021

The summer shuffle is coming soon: juniors, sophomores, and the not-so-green freshmen rise in rank,..

Voices of the Faithful

By Tera Michelson February 23, 2021

One of the best-known traits of adolescence is the development of voice—forming an opinion and..

Creative (and Safe) Ways to Celebrate Youth

By Tera Michelson January 26, 2021

From the smallest victories to the largest milestones, our youth have a lot to celebrate. They turn..

Making the Most of a Sparkhouse Digital Subscription

By Sparkhouse December 29, 2020

Sparkhouse Digital Early Childhood, Children, and Youth put all the leader content you need for..

Take a 2020 Soul Survey

By Tera Michelson December 17, 2020

2020 has been a rough year in youth ministry—and all around. Before you turn the page on this year,..

Making Room for Questions

By Tera Michelson November 24, 2020

Some of the best a-ha moments in my faith come from children’s sermons. I vividly remember one..


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