Oh no! What happened to all our Sunday school students?

By Rebecca Ninke July 31, 2018

Unless your congregation is an anomaly, you’ve probably noticed that we are living in the midst of..

Sunday school video: Does it help teach kids?

By Carla Barnhill July 24, 2018

Working with children often means having to find that elusive balance between what we know they..

Intergenerational Sunday school: Cross-generational is cross-cultural

By Reverend Melissa Cooper July 17, 2018

Usually when we think about intergenerational church programming, we see children and youth sitting..

Intergenerational Sunday school: Begin with the end in mind

By Reverend Melissa Cooper June 26, 2018

Begin with the end in mind. 

These words are used in a variety of contexts, and they are good,..

Intergenerational Sunday school: Setting up your space

By Reverend Melissa Cooper June 12, 2018

If there's anything I learned from nearly a decade in camp and retreat ministry, it's that place..

Intergenerational Sunday school: Choosing and using curriculum

By Reverend Melissa Cooper May 30, 2018

You've heard it's a good idea. You read a book and a few articles. The church leadership is on..

5 things to know about teaching lectionary Sunday school

By Sparkhouse May 24, 2018

"What season is it?” asked Mrs. Deb.

"It’s spring! The snow is all gone!” exclaimed Charlie.


5 ideas to celebrate Pentecost in your Sunday school classroom

By Sparkhouse May 18, 2018

Pentecost Sunday occurs 50 days after Easter. It marks the day the Holy Spirit descended on the..

3 ways to engage all kids in your one room Sunday school

By Sparkhouse May 8, 2018

Older kids are bored and younger kids are plain confused. Leaders are having difficulties teaching..

Without words: Teaching nonverbal kids in Sunday school

By Kathryn Watson April 26, 2018

My son is five years old, and he doesn’t really talk. He’s trying, and we’re hearing a few words..


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