Grief response: Preparing for post-tragedy ministry support

By Sparkhouse July 26, 2018

This is the third and final blog post in a series offering support to ministry leaders as they..

Sparkhouse donates $2,000 to one church – and here’s what they'll do with it!

By Sparkhouse July 25, 2018

It’s no secret that many churches don’t have large budgets – if any budget at all! As a ministry..

Sunday school video: Does it help teach kids?

By Carla Barnhill July 24, 2018

Working with children often means having to find that elusive balance between what we know they..

Teaching preschoolers about sharing and friendship

By Sparkhouse July 23, 2018

From birth through age five, kids learn and grow quite a bit! Teaching them about values during..

Faith formation ministers: Tips to get budget approval

By Kathryn Watson July 20, 2018

In the christian education wing, we are thrifty. We can make crafts or play a game with a stack of..

Now available! A new adult small group series from Sparkhouse

By Kelly Bakalich July 19, 2018

Do you have adults in your small group ministry who are intentional and passionate about..

Youth Ministry Podcast: What about ministry rest time for youth leaders?

By Sparkhouse July 18, 2018

Bryan and Erik, our Youth Ministry Podcast hosts, fully know the struggle of taking time to rest...

Intergenerational Sunday school: Cross-generational is cross-cultural

By Reverend Melissa Cooper July 17, 2018

Usually when we think about intergenerational church programming, we see children and youth sitting..

Nursery ministry ideas: Connecting with parents

By Sparkhouse July 16, 2018

Leaving a baby with a stranger, even at a church, is an extreme act of trust. How do we communicate..

A special preview: Simplifying planning with Sparkhouse Digital

By Sparkhouse July 13, 2018

When it comes to planning your monthly parent and toddler class, your Sunday school programming for..


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