When Easter Coincides with Trans Day of Visibility

Feb 20, 2024 9:00:00 AM / by Emily E. Ewing

As we look ahead to March, communities of faith have a unique opportunity to celebrate transgender and gender expansive people. This year Trans Day of Visibility, March 31, falls not only on a Sunday, but on Easter Sunday. While many affirming congregations recognize Trans Day of Remembrance in November and address violence against trans people when they learn about it, we rarely have the opportunity to celebrate trans and gender expansive people. Celebrating and highlighting transgender people, especially adults, helps trans and gender expansive kids know in a more tangible way that there is a future for them and that they can dream about becoming adults. It also helps cisgender kids develop compassion and empathy for friends and peers as well as helping them feel more comfortable in their own bodies.

This is also a great opportunity to dig more deeply into the resurrection from trans and queer perspectives. What better day to celebrate trans and gender expansive people than the day we celebrate the resurrection of Christ—the One who transgressed the boundary between human and divine, sacred and profane, life, death, and life again? As Jesus is risen, Christ encounters the disciples with the scars of his former life, with a new title, affirming the divinity and anointing of a resurrected Christ.

Taking time on and around March 31 to highlight trans and gender expansive people in real life and in Scripture affirms for kids that they bear the image of God. To name this particularly on Easter Sunday is a powerful witness to the resurrection and to the bold good news of Jesus for all of us as embodied people.

It’s also important to check to see what is being done by local trans or queer organizations and offer your funding and support. Invite a trans person to preach and share about their life. Share about how trans and gender expansive people you know have helped you understand God more. If you haven’t already, find and follow a wide variety of trans and gender expansive faith leaders in your own and other denominations via social media. Encourage your community to do one thing each day to challenge gender assumptions. The possibilities are endless when it comes to showing up for and with trans and gender expansive people. With the connection between Trans Day of Visibility and Easter Sunday, this is a great opportunity to dig into trans and gender expansive people in scripture and real life for the whole season of Easter, too.

Topics: Easter, transgender

Emily E. Ewing

Written by Emily E. Ewing

Rev. Emily E. Ewing (they/them) dedicates their life to justice work locally and globally, revels in creativity and art, and is fed by Lutheran theological geekiness. They are a proud member of Proclaim, a program of Extraordinary Lutheran Ministries, and they curate www.queerying.org, a blog that queers and queries weekly Bible texts. They also cohost both Nerds At Church, a podcast connecting weekly Bible readings and all things nerdery, and Horror Nerds At Church, a podcast exploring horror and faith. You can find them on Twitter at @rev_ewing.


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