Proclaiming God's Unscheduled Grace to College Students

Sep 21, 2023 9:00:00 AM / by Matt Marohl and Katie Fick

College life can feel completely controlled by schedules. Classes are scheduled. So are labs, rehearsals, practices, and study groups. College students may feel like they have to schedule everything, from eating to spending time with friends—and maybe even time with God.

But the grace of God is an unscheduled grace. It is unscheduled because it is constant—it is already and always with you. The unscheduled grace of God can also surprise you. When you are reminded that you are not alone exactly when you need to hear that message the most, that is unscheduled grace. We wrote a devotion and prayer book for college students to remind them that this unscheduled grace is for them, for you. When you realize that you are more than your major, that you are more than your GPA, that is unscheduled grace. Unscheduled because it never fails, unscheduled because it can still amaze.

That is why our collection of devotions and prayers is called Unscheduled Grace. Each devotion is a short reflection on a verse or section from the Bible. Each prayer is dedicated to a different aspect of life. There aren’t any rules when it comes to reading this book. You may want to start at the beginning and methodically work your way through to the end. You may want to open to a page and read whatever you happen to find at that moment. The book can be read alone or with a friend or in a small group, or even with family.

We wrote this book with students in mind, with you in mind. We are pastors at a college. We spend all of our time with students. It is a great joy to listen and to talk, to hear all about average days and momentous moments. It is not unusual for our offices to be places of laughter and tears, often at the same time. This book draws upon the themes that we hear and discuss every day. Love, fear, uncertainty, regret, dreams and hopes; they are all present in these pages. We know that multiple realities often exist at the same time. You can feel confident and scared all at once. The theme that ties the devotions and prayers together is an emphasis on the unscheduled grace of God. With all of its schedules, college life is often unpredictable. It is our hope that this book can bring you unscheduled grace.

May the love of God surround you,

the grace of Christ attend you,

                                           and the Holy Spirit keep you,

                                                          this day and forevermore.


Pastor Matt Marohl
Pastor Katie Fick

Topics: grace, college

Matt Marohl and Katie Fick

Written by Matt Marohl and Katie Fick

Matt Marohl and Katie Fick serve as College Pastors at St. Olaf College in Northfield, Minnesota. They enjoy talking with students about all matters of life--relationships, vocation, family, stress, faith, doubt, joy, and homework.


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