What’s Inside: Collections of clever rhyming stories that accompany the Holy Moly lesson videos.
Highlights: Each rhyming retelling draws kids into hearing a story that accompanies the one they view in a lesson video. Some storybooks have 4 stories, while others have 12. There is a total of 8 Storybooks that correlate with the curriculum lessons and years.
Illustrations: Hand-drawn Bible time people and scenes match the style of Holy Moly video using the colors in a box of

Best for These Ages: Kindergartners through second graders
Pair with This Curriculum: Holy Moly
Fun Fact: All poems were written by Melissa Cooper (a deacon in the United Methodist Church) and Mary C. Lindberg (a pastor in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America).
Melissa reported this on her creative process: “When my creative process begins, it’s very messy, but there is a method to the madness. I tend to just start writing as much as I can and then edit, edit, edit, refine, and edit some more. I usually have to lock myself in a room in our house.”
Mary Lindberg responded to the invitation to write poems in this way:
I do love to rhyme. Hope you get this in time.
Rhymin’s right up my alley; put my YES on your tally.
To Learn More: Click HERE to learn more about the Bible Storybooks. Check out the Holy Moly resources HERE to see how you can nurture faith in children with rich storytelling.
Quick Quiz: Which Sparkhouse Bible includes a foldout timeline of historical events that align with biblical events? (see next #meetyourBible to find out!)
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