Do you love Pastor Daniel Erlander’s books? We sure do! At Augsburg Fortress, we’ve been working on curriculum, videos, board books, and more since 2018 to ensure that Pastor Dan’s work is available to longtime readers and new audiences.
In 2018 . . .
We became the exclusive distributors of Daniel Erlander’s published works and published a collection of resources to support A Place for You: My Holy Communion Book.
The Leader Sourcebook included a wide array of sessions for all generations—young children, kids, youth, adults, and a spectacular intergenerational event.
Our animation team created three videos to accompany the three classes in the Leader Sourcebook.
Pastor Mary Lindberg created the board book A Place for You, Little One based on Pastor Dan’s writings and illustrations. Her creative process included cutting up images and text, taping them to a sample board book, and sending photos to her editor. This book, the first in a series of six we’ve developed, brings Pastor Dan’s illustrations and message to young children using a vibrant color palette and words that little ones can learn by heart.
Pastors Melissa Bills and Anne Edison-Albright concepted several additional pages of interactive content we added to an edition of A Place for You designed for kids.
One more change—we adjusted the illustrations in the original A Place for You to include an array of skin tone shades. Pastor Dan had used an illustration method called hatching to show skin tones; our method could introduce even more shades and look a bit cleaner.
Working with more than a dozen collaborators on this work confirmed one thing for us—just about everyone has a Pastor Dan story. Whether they were his colleagues, students, parishioners, friends, or just long-time fans of his work, we began hearing about the many ways that Pastor Dan’s work has made a difference in the faith lives of people from coast to coast—and beyond! (My own Pastor Dan story? My dad went to seminary with him, so from the time I was a little kid, I’ve seen Pastor Dan’s 1966 picture in the graduation photo my Dad hung on his study wall.)
This release of A Place for You resources signaled the beginning of what we’ve developed to center Pastor Dan’s collection of works. Check out an upcoming blog to hear what happened in 2019.
Explore all of Pastor Dan Erlander's works today at