Today our culture no longer plans around Sunday morning services and Wednesday night youth groups.
If we’re honest, there probably isn’t a youth worker out there that hasn’t felt at least a little slighted by the constant sports tournaments and choir concerts, which significantly pull from our youth group attendance.
It’s okay, we’ve totally been there.
We all know that it can be a challenge to remain encouraged while attendance dwindles from all the extracurriculars that seemingly take precedence over youth group. With all the work that goes into programming, it can feel like you’re getting nowhere.
Remember, no matter the attendance of youth group, the work you are doing is important. In fact, we know it is crucial. Whether there are two kids, 25, or even 100 kids; the work remains important… and often times, quality is more important than quantity.
The fact that you are showing up for your kids, with a lesson or night of programming for them can mean more than you know.
Let us not forget the influence a youth worker can have.
Many of us still remember the people who showed up for us when we were in youth group and the incredible impact it had on us.
Let’s keep faithful to our call.
In all seriousness, as youth group slowly dives to the bottom of the priority list for your youth, what can you do? As a youth leader, what can you do to make it more intriguing, engaging, and well, just a priority?
Do we push kids or parents to choose youth group over a band recital?
Do we continue to grumble about attendance?
How do we stay positive?
Has church become just another extracurricular?
Should we innovate to make things better?
Tune into this episode of the Youth Ministry Podcast to hear insight from two veteran youth leaders about attendance struggles, what they think about Gloria Lee’s article, “You Can’t Compete with Sports,” and the practical and theological implications of it all.
Have a suggestion on how to navigate attendance struggles of youth group? Leave us a comment below!