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VBS 2019: Planning tips for vacation Bible school

Written by Sparkhouse | Jan 15, 2019 1:00:00 PM

Summer will be here before we know it so it’s never too early to start thinking about your vacation Bible school plans. 

As you start thinking about what you want this year’s program to look like, check out these planning tips for vacation Bible school to get started.   

Start planning early

The early bird gets the worm, and it’s no different for those who start planning their vacation Bible schools now! Many families are already planning out what their summer looks like, so even if you can just tell them what dates to block off on the calendar, it helps to make sure they keep it in mind as they look at their summer schedules. 

Some other things to start planning early for your VBS 2019:

  • Evaluate what you did last year. If you didn’t do a formal survey, you can ask volunteers and families what they thought about it and use their anecdotes to build a program for the coming year that meets expectations.
  • Call for volunteers. Start asking your community if they can help out during vacation Bible school, even if you aren’t quite sure what they can do. Some people may just be happy to participate in the planning, too!
  • Kick off planning. Whether you are doing it as a committee or having one person take charge, start the planning process as soon as you can. That ensures you have the time and budget to create a VBS that hits your goals.


Pick a curriculum

Most VBS curriculum options include a theme and take care most of the leg work for the program, making it easy for you! As you kick off planning, your goals will start to come clear. These goals will form a mission for your VBS and what’s important for you, the kids, and the families to take away.


When looking at VBS curriculum, some things to consider:

  • What do you want your kids to learn? Each VBS has a different structure and faith goal. Do you want them to know Bible stories after VBS? Would you prefer that they know how faith relate to their lives? Do you want it focused on a theme like creation or nature?
  • Should it only be used for VBS? Some curriculum, like rotation Sunday school, can be used beyond just VBS. If you choose to use it for VBS, it can serve as an extension for what else you’re focused on throughout the year.
  • What do you want your kids and families take home? You can do everything from downloadable student sheets to tchotchkes that speak to the theme of your VBS! But, what’s most important to you? What fits in your budget?

Communicate often

Even though you don’t have all the details planned out for your VBS 2019, you can start to communicate early and often!

Once you have dates set, let families know to save the date for this year’s VBS. As more details become available, share them – in fact, it will help to build momentum and excitement around the program.

Some other things to consider when communicating your VBS 2019 goals:

  • Use different channels. Yes, make sure you include it in your usual communication vehicles (announcements, calendar, newsletter), but think about other channels you could use. Are you using social media? Email list? Posting flyers in the community? All of these are great ways to get more interest!
  • Partner with other churches. For some church leaders, this is a great way to build attendance and even share in the expense and workload for VBS by partnering with churches to either co-host or even just share information about your VBS program.
  • Create internal advocates. Don’t put all the communication on your – or one person’s – shoulders! Create a team of advocates that can share the news about your VBS program, helping spread your reach and making sure it’s top of mind for all.


With these planning tips for VBS 2019, you’ll be well on your way to creating an even better experience for your families and kids this summer!


Still looking for the best vacation Bible school curriculum? Sparkhouse offers a 100% digital solution – ReNew: The Green VBS. For just $99.99, set your leaders and kids up for success for VBS 2019!