Many children are already familiar with the keys on a computer keyboard. All they need is a guide to show them how to make connections to God and each other using the keys that are at their fingertips every day.
The space bar’s main purpose is to enter a space between words that are typed. Notice that the space bar is a long key, five times as long as any other key on the keyboard. What does that tell us about the importance of space? Space between, not only the words that we type, but the words that we speak, reminds us of the importance of space for listening. Invite children to tell of a time when they were happy to be the one who got to listen, rather than speak. Space is a gift that allows us to think, listen for God’s voice, and hear the stories of others.
Use the letters of the alphabet to make a list of people that your class can pray for in the coming weeks.
The number keys are the perfect keys to use when encouraging children to think about the things they are grateful for. Examples include 1 big sun to make the day bright, 4 pieces of apple to dip into peanut butter at lunch, or 9 deep breaths that helped a child stop crying after their feelings got hurt at school. Wrap up your time together with prayers of thanks for the many ways that God surprises and provides for all children.
The shift key is the second-largest key on the keyboard. It often includes a little arrow that points up. That little arrow can remind children to look up and remember God’s presence with them. We may have to hold down the shift key when we use it, but God is the one who has promised to hold onto each of them. Explore Isaiah 41:13, where God says, “For I am the Lord your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, ‘Do not fear; I will help you’” (NIV). Celebrate, together, the comfort of knowing that God is watching over us.
There are even more spiritual connections waiting for us at our computer keyboards and we can be sure that God will continue to find a way to speak through the things that are at our fingertips.