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Sound Bites from Your Kids for Virtual Worship

Written by Cathy Skogen-Soldner | Jun 18, 2020 2:00:00 PM

Like a lot of churches, my church is experimenting with online, virtual worship. Our musicians are putting together videos of songs. Our pastor is recording the sermon. And what are our children contributing? They are creating “sound bites”!

Sound bites are 1-2-minute videos used in an online, virtual worship service. These videos are recorded at home and feature the child or children of one family unit. (I am using family units these days because we are currently practicing safe distancing due to COVID-19.)

Scripted Sound Bites

Sound bites work best when they are scripted, by you or an older family member of the children. There are two parts to the script:

  1. The children’s interests, e.g., building blocks, pets, gymnastic skills, musical instruments, reading books, or hockey.
  2. A Bible verse or concept about God that can be paired with the children’s interests, e.g., brothers who love to build with building blocks paired with “Therefore encourage one another and build each other up” (1 Thessalonians 5:11), or the comfort a girl feels from her loving dog reminds her of the loving comfort of God paired with “Now may our Lord Jesus Christ, and God our Father, who loved us and through grace gave us eternal comfort and good hope, comfort your hearts and strengthen you in every good work and word” (2 Thessalonians 2:17).

Once a family receives their script, they decide whether to narrate it or do a children’s monologue/dialogue. The next step is to round up the props and record the video (most people use their phone to make the recording).

Additional Sound Bites

If you want to get away from a script:

  1. Invite children to ad-lib the welcome, prayers, or send-off using their own words.
  2. Invite children to draw a sidewalk chalk illustration of Psalm 23 or a mural of things that they love in creation.
  3. Invite children to sing or play a musical instrument.

Once the recording is finished, you will need to get a signed release form from the parents granting your church permission to post their video to your website. After that, the web master will upload a copy of the video for worship.

Sound bites get kids involved in leading worship. But more importantly, sound bites are a bridge to help children connect their faith to everyday life. They are a reminder that our life of faith is not separate from our daily life. It’s all life, and God is a part of it all!