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What does mission mean to faith?

Written by Sparkhouse | Dec 5, 2018 1:00:00 PM

For many youth, they first experience mission and how it relates to their faith by going on some organized trips to help a community in need.

And sometimes, that’s the only experience they have in mission.

But, mission has a deep meaning to one’s faith and it’s at the very core of what Jesus did in his life.

That’s why, here at Sparkhouse, we developed T.B.D.: Mission. T.B.D.: Think. Believe. Do. offers a small group experience for your youth so they can dig into topics important to their faith – enabling you to facilitate the discussions while they ask questions and ponder what it means to them and their faith journey.

T.B.D.: Mission explores for provocative statements throughout the four-week course of the unit. The statements are designed to provoke thought and are not right or wrong, which leads to a more engaging discussion with your youth. 

We are God’s servants

For we are God’s servants, working together; you are God’s field, God’s building.

- 1 Corinthians 3:9


What does this statement mean? Are we really here to serve God? And if we are, what does that mean to our faith? Our identify as humans?

These may be some of the questions that come up in your discussion around this provocative statement. It’s a statement that will get your youth talking, engaging, and most importantly, building their faith foundation based on their own beliefs.


God needs my help

We pray to God and ask if he needs our help.

We wonder if we could be doing more to help God.

For youth, this can be overwhelming. How, knowing who they are and where they are in their lives, can they help? What does that look like? And, how does that change as they grow?


Mission requires sacrifice

Everyone has a different definition of what mission means to them and to their faith. Often times, people find mission work that aligns with what they are passionate about. 

However, is that considered mission work? Does it require some level of sacrifice? These questions may be warranted during this discussion with your youth to help them understand mission and how it comes into effect in their daily lives.


Everything you do matters  

The last provocative statement in the T.B.D.: Mission unit centers around the thought that everything you do matters. This may be a statement that your youth (and you!) will scoff at – but often, those are the ones that bring the best discussions!


Ready to talk to your youth about Mission? Get started with T.B.D.: Mission, which includes a facilitator guide, DVD, and journals for your students.