Maybe you just looked at the calendar and realized that Lent will truly be here before you know it. Or perhaps you were included in a thread with a few people from your community who mentioned how interested they would be in joining an adult faith formation group in the next few weeks.
No matter the reasoning, if you are looking for a quick faith formation activity for your adults, consider hosting a book club.
Book clubs often focus on one book – or topic – and give participants one or two sessions to talk through the book and their feelings. Sometimes, groups will meet halfway through the book and talk about how they’re feeling at that point – other times, they will read and discuss in one fell swoop.
All depending on what the group wants – much of which depends on the schedules at hand. Either way, a book club offers flexibility to help your adults participate in faith formation without requiring an extensive commitment.
Similar to hosting a traditional small group, it’s important gauge the interest of your community when having a book club. Reach out to your community after worship, or on Facebook, maybe through your email list, to find who may want to join and how they’d like to participate.
What night works best? How often would they like to meet? Where would they like to meet? Your community can help you get started. You can consider sending out a survey to the members once you have generated the interest.
There are a number of great topics and books available for adult faith formation. From faith practices to social justice issues, you can dive into any topic that fits what they’re looking for.
Interested in social justice topics? Check out the Dialogues On: Refugee Crisis Learner Book to talk about refugees and the church, and what it means to your local community, or the Dialogues On: Sexuality Learner Book, which uncovers topics related to sexuality and the church, like patriarchy, women’s sexuality, sex and marriage, and why language matters.
Need more tips for hosting adult faith formation classes? Check out all of our resources here!