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Finding the Holy in Holy Week

Written by Marissa Letscher | Apr 16, 2019 12:00:00 PM

When Sparkhouse first asked me to write this blog post, I laughed out loud. What church-worker, in any capacity, actually has the time to really experience the holiness that is Holy Week? Holy Week is probably the second busiest week for me during the program year- aside from vacation Bible school (VBS).

From Communion Milestone celebration on Palm Sunday, Wednesday evening programs, serving Maundy Thursday lunch after noon worship, family Good Friday Worship, Easter Egg Hunt Sunday morning, then finally Easter Sunday worship, it's a wonder I find time to even breathe during that week.

I imagine it's much the same for many of you.

My mind and body are so consumed with ensuring that Holy Week is a meaningful experience for others that, year after year, my own experience gets neglected. So I wonder, how can those of us who are so engaged in creating the holy experience of Holy Week, create a holy experience for ourselves?

I've never been a fan of giving up things for Lent. That's probably because I'm so stressed out! I would most likely give up chocolate of which I depend on (I know, great coping mechanism, right?).

I find that when we give up something, it's most often something that really isn't sacrificial – or disruptive. And yet, that's what Lent should be. Lent should be sacrificial. It should be disruptive. The events of Holy Week disrupted the self-centric, power-unbalanced, oppressive world we'd created and erupted a flood of God's love and grace on all creation. It then seems to me, that the holiness we seek in Holy Week is just that: disruptive, eruptive, gracious, and loving. 

I don't know specifically what that looks like

Perhaps it looks like taking a simple meal to someone who needs some loving kindness.

Perhaps it looks like a genuine conversation with someone who simply needs someone's presence and attention.

Perhaps it looks like getting up 30 minutes early to make a good cup of coffee in the early daylight hours, as the sun just begins to stream in the windows and warm your face, using that moment of peace to read and re-read the story of Holy Week.

Perhaps it looks like carving out 15 minutes to engage in a spiritual practice, like walking a labyrinth, checking out Holy Week scripture readings, African Lectio Divina (it's my favorite), coloring a mandala, Praying in Color, or any other practice that speaks to you.


Whatever you choose, I hope you will choose something. I pledge to do the same. And I pray that the holiness of disruption and eruption of Holy Week fills you with the goodness and graciousness of God, in the Holy Spirit, through the sacrifice of our Lord, Jesus Christ.


Looking for more helpful blog posts about Holy Week, we have you covered! Check it out here, here or here!